Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Some Great Teeth Whitening in Chicago Tips for Winter Season

Do it Yourself - Teeth Whitening in Chicago Tips 

There are several teeth whitening methods, such as toothpastes, over-the-counter teeth whitening gels and mouthwash, and professional teeth whitening treatments provided by the dentists in Chicago. But there are easy to do, simple, affordable, and effective things that you can do on your own to brighten your teeth and smile. 

Rub banana peel on the inside of your teeth-Bananas contain potassium, magnesium, and manganese. Rub the inside of the banana peel on your teeth for just about two minutes every day. These minerals would be absorbed by your teeth and would help keep them looking white and bright. 

Apply strawberry paste-Strawberries work as excellent bleaching agents. The acid present in the strawberries helps polish and whiten the teeth. You can mash up a few strawberries and gently apply this paste on your teeth to get rid of stains. For better results, mix it with a small amount of baking powder. You will have a home-made, natural teeth whitening toothpaste. 

Use olive oil-Olive oil is not only good for your skin and health, but also for your teeth. Those living in Chicago, interested in natural teeth whitening, should take a clean cloth or a cotton ball to apply olive oil to their teeth to enjoy beautiful, sparkling teeth. 

Rinse your teeth with apple cider Vinegar-Add one part of apple cider vinegar to two parts of water and swish the solution for around 2 minutes in your mouth. It is a good, safe, and natural teeth whitening solution to get white and beautiful teeth. 

Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables-Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for your teeth and for your overall health and well-being. Dentists in Chicago believe that eating raw fruits and vegetables helps. Consider carrots, apples, cauliflower, and nuts to remove the surface stains and plaque that builds on the teeth, leading to cavities, tooth decay, and other dental problems. 

Use a straw to drink your beverages- Tea, coffee, wine, and energy drinks can stain your teeth. If you can’t stay away from them, use a straw to drink them instead. This will help minimize the effect of these drinks on your teeth and would protect them to a large extent. 

Brush your tongue-Brushing your tongue can not only give you fresher breath, it can also give you whiter and brighter teeth. Dentists believe that brushing one’s teeth helps prevent teeth staining. Your tongue accumulates bacteria which eventually leads to teeth discoloration. With a soft brush, gently brush your tongue to remove the bacteria. 

Use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide- Add one teaspoon of baking soda, one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and half a teaspoon of water to your regular toothpaste and brush your teeth with this mixture. This solution is quite effective in removing teeth stains but should be used just once a month as the chemicals present in the baking soda are quite abrasive in nature. 

Keep the above Teeth Whitening Chicago tips in mind to smile radiantly and confidently this winter!!

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